Nancy Victorin-Vangerud
Nancy Victorin-Vangerud, Ph.D., is a clergy member of the MN Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. She has experience as a professor in higher education, teaching Christian theology at Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia, as well as Hamline University, where she has served for the last 14 years as Chaplain and Director of the Wesley Center for Spirituality, Service and Social Justice. Nancy has also served in leadership as a youth minister, retreat center director, director of Christian education, lead pastor, and teaching elder. Nancy received an MDiv and PhD in Religion from Vanderbilt University, and an MA in Christian Education from Scarritt College. She is author of The Raging Hearth: Spirit in the Household of God (Chalice, 2000), as well as multiple articles and book chapters on ecotheology, feminist theology, and ecospirituality. She and her family live in south Minneapolis, where she is also passionate about urban gardening and food sustainability.
Ph.D. Religion, Vanderbilt University
M.Div. Systematic Theology, Vanderbilt University
M.A. Christian Education, Scarritt College
B.B.A. Accounting, Texas A&M University