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United Hosts Stream & Discussion of the Rainbow Push Coalition’s Emergency Summit for Gaza

United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities 767 Eustis St., Suite 140, Saint Paul, MN, United States

The Leadership Center for Social Justice and Social Transformation Program also invites members of the United community to join us on campus for a livestream of the beginning of the Emergency Summit for Gaza taking place on January 12.

Queer & Trans Theology Salon

United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities 767 Eustis St., Suite 140, Saint Paul, MN, United States

Do you find queer and trans theology thrilling and engaging? We do, too! Join us January 17 for conversation, dialogue, and connection with others. Trans and queer academics, clergy, students, and community members are all welcome; no preparation is necessary, and this event is free. Wine, cheese, and sparkling water will be served. These events are sponsored by the Leadership Center for Social Justice and the Social Transformation Program at ...

Caregivers in a Care-less Society: A Panel on Care Work and Social Justice

United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities 767 Eustis St., Suite 140, Saint Paul, MN, United States

What difference would it make if the many caregivers of our world—doulas, chaplains, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, pastors, nurses, doctors—accompanying those with whom they care, worked together to transform our careless social structures?  What if the remedy to widespread caregiver burn-out was to be found in building infrastructures of care rather than in promoting marketized practices of self-care? The COVID-19 pandemic reminded us of our dependence on one another for life and, ...

Accompanying: The Journey of Staughton and Alice Lynd—A Documentary Viewing & Panel Conversation

University of St. Thomas 2115 Summit Avenue, Saint Paul, MN, United States

Join the Leadership Center for Social Justice and the Justice and Peace Studies program at the University of St. Thomas as we view a documentary about the life of Quaker activists Staughton and Alice Lynd. Accompanying: The Journey of Staughton and Alice Lynd is a documentary by Catherine Murphy that covers the Lynds’ remarkable partnership in social justice struggles over seven decades, including Staughton’s time as director of the SNCC ...

Leadership for Social Justice Graduation and Showcase

United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities 767 Eustis St., Suite 140, Saint Paul, MN, United States

Please join us for graduation and a showcase of projects completed by the 2023–2024 Leadership for Social Justice cohort. Within the nine months of this program, each student has spent time sensing and discerning what is going on in their community and their congregation. From that vantage point, they worked to build a social justice ministry project that is concrete and contextual to their community. This graduation and showcase is an ...

“Art and Organizing: La Lucha Sigue” with Ricardo Pérez Gonzalez

United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities 767 Eustis St., Suite 140, Saint Paul, MN, United States

Artist and activist Ricardo Pérez Gonzalez is United’s inaugural artist-organizer-in-residence, and has served both our Leadership Center for Social Justice and the Theology and Arts program since last fall. He has also been facilitating our monthly arts and social transformation lunches. Now we want to celebrate Ricardo with an exhibit of and talk about his work.  Born and raised in Mexico, Ricardo is a self-taught mixed media artist with more ...

Leadership Center for Social Justice and Partners Host Spirit of Water Celebration

United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities 767 Eustis St., Suite 140, Saint Paul, MN, United States

Join us August 10, 2024, for a celebration with Mississippi River! Gather with us to connect, learn, pray, engage, play, celebrate, and honor the spirit of water. This year, we will meet at Hidden Falls Regional Park in St. Paul from 5:00–8:00 PM for a community celebration featuring speakers, music, booths, food, art, and play areas for children. These partners are co-presenting the event: Resilient Indigenous Sisters Engaging (R.I.S.E. Coalition) ...

2024 Hawkinson Fund for Peace and Justice Award Ceremony

Grace University Lutheran Church 324 SE Harvard St, Minneapolis, MN, United States

You are invited to the 2024 Hawkinson Fund for Peace and Justice Award Ceremony. Dan Guenthner and Margaret Pennings, Founders of Common Harvest Farm in Osceola, Wisconsin, are the 2024 Honorary Award recipients. Also, five 2024 Hawkinson Peace & Justice Scholarships will be awarded. This event is co-sponsored by the Leadership Center for Social Justice and United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. Parking is available in Grace's garage across ...

Social Transformation Lunch: Post-Election Conversation

United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities 767 Eustis St., Suite 140, Saint Paul, MN, United States

Now that we are a week past the 2024 election, what lessons have we learned? Where do we go from here? How do we reconcile with our neighbors after all the chaos and intensity of the last few months? How do we move forward with peace, grace, and renewed purpose? Join Rev. Dr. Ry Siggelkow, director of the Leadership Center for Social Justice, and Rev. Dr. Justin Sabia-Tanis, associate professor ...

Social Transformation Lunch: “Pre-Inauguration Conversation”

United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities 767 Eustis St., Suite 140, Saint Paul, MN, United States

Feeling anxious, fearful, and hopeless since the election? Oppressive power seeks to render us powerless by creating confusion and isolating us from one another. Join us for a theological conversation about our current conjuncture and what might be on the horizon nationally and globally. How are you “discerning the spirits” and what does it look like for you to act faithfully with others today? Gather onsite and online with Rev. ...

Queer & Trans Theology Salon

United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities 767 Eustis St., Suite 140, Saint Paul, MN, United States

Do you find queer and trans theology thrilling and engaging? We do, too! Join us on Wednesday, January 22, for conversation, dialogue, and connection with others. Trans and queer academics, clergy, students, and community members are all welcome; no preparation is necessary, and this event is free. Wine, cheese, and sparkling water will be served. United’s Leadership Center for Social Justice and its Social Transformation Program sponsor these events. WHEN ...

Social Transformation Lunch: “Post-Inauguration Conversation”

United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities 767 Eustis St., Suite 140, Saint Paul, MN, United States

Are you feeling anxious, fearful, and hopeless since the election? Oppressive power seeks to render us powerless by creating confusion and isolating us from one another. Join us for a theological conversation about our current conjuncture and what might be on the horizon nationally and globally. How are you “discerning the spirits” and what does it look like for you to act faithfully with others today? Gather onsite and online ...