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2025 Commencement

April 27 at 3:00 pm5:00 pm CDT

Photo of Commencement Recessional

You are invited to the

63rd Commencement Exercises

of United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities
Sunday, April 27, 2025 • 3:00 PM CT
Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis

Commencement Address

Rev. John J. Thatamanil, MDiv, PhD

Source: Union Theological Seminary

Rev. John J. Thatamanil, PhD—Professor of Theology & World Religions and Director of the Insight Project: Theology & Natural World at Union Theological Seminary—will serve as our 63rd Commencement speaker. Rev. Dr. Thatamanil teaches a wide variety of courses in the areas of comparative theology, theologies of religious diversity, Hindu-Christian dialogue, the theology of Paul Tillich, the theory of religion, process theology, and eco-theology. He is committed to the work of comparative theology—a theology that learns from and with a variety of traditions. A central question that drives his work is, “How can Christian communities come to see religious diversity as a promise rather than as a problem?” He is also committed to Dzogchen meditation and includes time for meditation in virtually all of his courses at Union.

Professor Thatamanil’s first book is an exercise in constructive comparative theology. The Immanent Divine: God, Creation, and the Human Predicament. An East-West Conversation (Fortress Press, 2006) provides the foundation for a nondualist Christian theology worked out through a conversation between Paul Tillich and Sankara, the master teacher of the Hindu tradition of Advaita Vedanta.

Professor Thatamanil’s second book, Circling the Elephant: A Comparative Theology of Religious Diversity (Fordham University Press, 2020) takes up the recent and extensive literature on the Western construction/invention of the category “religion” with the following questions in mind: If “religion” is a relatively recent invention of the modern West, then is the category applicable to non-Western cultures and traditions? Can we really divide the world up into a set of discrete world religions? Does it still make sense to ask if the world’s “religions” are paths up the same mountain or paths up different mountains? How should theologies of religious diversity be reconfigured in light of these new questions and challenges?

Professor Thatamanil is working on a third book provisionally titled Desiring Truth: Comparative Theology and the Quest for Interreligious Wisdom. This book begins by interrogating our troubling post-truth moment: just how did we get here? Taking up an argument made by the late Foucault, Thatamanil argues that the answer partly lies in the modern commitment to separating desiring from knowing in the name of objectivity. By contrast, Buddhist and Hindu traditions insist that without rectifying our desires, there is no possibility of coming to the right knowing and genuine wisdom. Thatamanil turns to comparative theology as a resource for addressing a contemporary context rife with misinformation, conspiracy theories, and “alternative facts.”

Professor Thatamanil is a past president of the North American Paul Tillich Society (NAPTS) and the founding (and current) Chair of the American Academy of Religion’s Theological Education Committee. He is a frequent preacher and lecturer in churches, colleges, and universities, both nationally and internationally. He also co-edits (with Dr. Loye Ashton) the “Comparative Theology: Thinking Across Traditions” book series for Fordham University Press. He blogs regularly for a variety of online publications and has published editorials in The Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post.


Commencement will be available in a hybrid format. Whether you intend to participate onsite or online, please sign up at the link below. Those who register to attend online will receive program and livestream links via email before the event. Those who attend onsite are invited to stay after to chat with our graduates at a reception.

Questions? Contact Jen Buck via email or phone at 651-255-6162.



April 27
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm CDT
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Dr. Kyle Roberts


Plymouth Congregational Church
1919 La Salle Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55403 United States
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